Real Estate Manager Pro

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Template Installation

The template installation process is very simple. The installation process can be done in two different ways.

1- By wordpress admin

Open Your wordpress dashboard.

1. open Appearance - Themes as shown in the screesnhot below.

2. Now click the "Add New" button.

3. Now click on the upload button.

4. Load the theme file (Version may vary) and proceed with the installation.

5. Now WordPress will install your theme and show you the message to "Activate" the theme.

2-Via FTP

Login to your FTP and upload the the theme folder at wp-content - themes.

As soon you activate the theme you will navigate to the Theme Setup Wizard page.

Demo Importer

To get the demo content exactly like we have shown on our demo page, checkout the below steps.

Open Theme Setup Wizard present under Apparance menu.

You need to enter the key here that you have recieved throuhg email.

Click on the "Start Now". It will list all the plugins required for this plugin under "More Info". You can check it by clicking on more info.

Click on the "Install Plugins". It will install all the required plugins

Then Click on the "Import Demo". It will import the demo exactly like we have shown on our live demo page.

Once you have done with this you can see all the demo content on front page.

Customize Demo

Now start customizing your site as per your requirement. open Appearance - Customize - Theme Settings

Customize Demo

Section Reordering and Typography

Global theme and color and typography will help you to to change the color and font in a single click.

Each section contains option to set the Content, Title/Text, Text, Buttons and Background Matte palettes to the linked section depending on the number of options available.

Global Color

Global color will change colors for the entire theme. Open Appearance - Customize - Theme Settings - Typography. Scroll to bottom you will see two options for color, choose both options then only it will appear on frontend as it is gradient color.

Section Reordering

Move the section according to your requirement. Check screenshot below.

Setup "Slider Section"

Checkout the below steps to change the "Slider Section" content

Open "Slider Section" from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Background color and images will be updated by "Background Color" and "Background Images" settings.

You can increase or decrease the slide as per your needs. Add its content indivisually.

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup "About Us"

Checkout the below steps to change the "About Us" content

Open About Us from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Background color and images will be updated by "Background Color" and "Background Images" settings.

Update section tagline, heading and text.

Update images.

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup "Records"

Checkout the below steps to change the "Records" content

Open "Records" from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Background color and images will be updated by "Background Color" and "Background Images" settings.

Update section tagline and heading.

Here you can details to show and add details to each box one by one.

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup "Properties Listing Section"

Checkout the below steps to change the "Properties Listing" content

Open Properties Listing Section from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Background color and images will be updated by "Background Color" and "Background Images" settings.

Update section tagline and heading. Increase or decrease the dropdown listing to your requirement. Link each list to an specific category.

Now open "Properties" available in the dashobard navigation panel. All the demo "Properties" is created.

Open one of them and update its title, text and image and all the meat details

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup "Listing Own Properties"

Open "Main Banner" present under the "Theme Settings" panel in customizer.

Listing Own Properties are a car categpries. Here you can add property from frontend.

Setup "Agents Section"

Checkout the below steps to change the "Agents Section" content

Open Agents Section from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Background color and images will be updated by "Background Color" and "Background Images" settings.

Update section tagline and heading.

Now open "Agents" available in the dashobard navigation panel. All the demo "Agents" are created.

Open one of them and update its title, text and image and all the other details.

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup "Promotional Banner"

Open "Promotional Banner" present under the "Theme Settings" panel in customizer.

Update the content as specified below.

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup Contact Us Section

Open Contact Us present under theme settings pannel.

Update Tgaline and title. Update form shortcode here.

Setup "Testimonial Section"

Checkout the below steps to change the "Testimonials" content

Open Testimonials Section from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Update section tagline, heading and text.

Now open "Testimonial" available in the dashobard navigation panel. All the demo "Testimonial" is created.

Open one of them and update its title, text and image and all the other details

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup Latest News

Open Latest News present under theme settings pannel

Update section tagline, heading, increase or decreas number of news to show.

There is an excerpt setting. You can limit the number of words to be shown on the post text.

Now open Dashboard - Posts. Demo Posts added you can change it according to your requirement.

Open one of them and change it according to your needs.

Setup Newsletter Section

Open Newsletter present under theme settings pannel.

Update Tgaline and title. Update form shortcode here.

Setup Contact Page

Open Contact present under theme settings pannel.

We have contact section shortcode settings here to show the form that is shwoing on home page.

Setup Directory Page

Open Directory present under theme settings pannel.

This page is consist of shortcode of the home page sections. Below are teh shortcode listing we have.

  • [real-estate-manager-pro-contact-us]
  • [real-estate-manager-pro-how-it-works]
  • [real-estate-manager-pro-properties-listing]
  • [real-estate-manager-pro-directory-banner]
  • [real-estate-manager-pro-featured-properties]
  • [real-estate-manager-pro-testimonials]

Setup How it Works section.

Checkout the below steps to change the "How it Works" content

Open "How it Works" from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Background color and images will be updated by "Background Color" and "Background Images" settings.

Update section tagline and heading.

Here you can details to show and add details to each box one by one.

Here you can also set the layout for the image with Normal, Wide and Tall from the drop down.

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Setup Directory Banner section.

Checkout the below steps to change the "How it Works" content

Open "How it Works" from the Theme Settings panel in customizer.

Background color and images will be updated by "Background Color" and "Background Images" settings.

Update section tagline and heading.

Scroll to the bottom you will see all the color options related to that section.

Page Banner

If you want to change the default page banner then open "General Settings" present under theme settings pannel scroll to the bottom and check the settings specified in below screenshot. When you change the image then it will change the banner of all the pages.

But if you would like add different banner to each pages then you need to add the banner indivisualy to each page. Edit the page for example. we are editing contact page, on the bottom right side column you will see the setting of page banner. Upload the image from here.

Blog Page Settings

This section contains all the settings related to blog. To access this open General Settings

Single Post Page

This section contains all the settings related to single post page. To access this open Appearance - Customize - Theme Settings - Single Post Page

Single Post Page

This section contains all the genearl settings. To access this open General Settings.

404 Page Settings

This section contains 404 page settings. To access this open 404 Page Settings

Theme Layout Settings

This section contains full and boxed layout settings. To access this open Theme Layout Settings

Responsive Settings

Here you can disable the sticky menu from the mobile or tablet view. Also you can set the width of mobile menu sidebar. To access this open Responsive Settings

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