Modern Furniture Store Pro Theme


Template Installation

1. Proceed to the menu Appearance >> Themes


2. Once you have landed on the themes page, click on "Add New" button located at the top.

3. Click on upload theme button.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed the theme

Section One Click Demo Importer

Import demonstration content with one click to get your theme setup. This will guide you through building your website for website creation.

From Menu ClcikDashboard >> Appearance >> About Theme

Before moving on install the post type plugin

Than Import data by clicking "Run Importer"

How to set up Home Page

Set-up "Home page".

1) Now You Need To Click Pages Tab "Add New" On Dashboard

Put the word "home" on it or anything as you wish. A static page" in the "Front Page Displays" section to set the front page to display a static page

2) Set Front Page for your Site :In Menu Select Reading under settings --> Now you should select display as static & select home page template.

Once you have done with this you can see all the demo content on front page.

4) Setup "Deals of The Day" Section

For go ahead with Deals of The Day,

From Menu Click Appearance >> than Customize >> Deals of The Day

Output of Deals of The Day section

5) Setup " New Arrivals" Section

For go ahead with New Arrivals,

From Menu Click Appearance >> than Customize >> New Arrivals

Output of New Arrivals section

6) Setup "Categories" Section

For go ahead with Categories,

From Menu Click Appearance >> than Customize >> Categories

Output of Categories section

7) Setup "Our Product" Section

For go ahead with Our Product,

From Menu Click Appearance >> than Customize >>Our Product

Output of Our Product section

8) Setup "Best Selling" Section

You need to upload Woocommerce plugin and activate.

We need to create Top Selling categories and "add new" product.

From Menu Click Appearance → than Customize → Theme Options → Best Seller Settings.

Output of Top Selling section

9) Setup "Testimonial" Section

The testimonial section will appear in the dashboard after installing and activating the Modern Furniture Store Pro Posttype plugin plugin.

For proceed with Testimonial Section,

From Menu Click Testimonial section, "add new" post, enter post name, contents and set featured image. Then click on publish.

From Menu Click Dashboard >> Testimonial >> "add new"

From Menu Click Appearance >> than Customize >> Theme Options >>Testimonial

setup Testimonials.

Output of Testimonial section


A shortcode is an effective tool for creating content Utilising shortcodes is simple. Make sure that Visual editing mode is selected first.

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